Beat The Blues Pulse Point
ilapothecary’s Beat the Blues Pulse Point is an alchemical blend of essential oils that are known to balance the mood, boost self-esteem, ease frustration, and to help revitalise and stimulate happiness. A pick-me-up handbag essential.
GERANIUM Energy balancing, known to stimulate happiness, nourish creativity, ease frustration.
PETITGRAIN – known to be Releasing and Self-Accepting Petitgrain is known as releasing self-accepting angelic fragrance. A plant that is believed to protect against mental anguish, help release anger, and known to heal emotional wounds. This oil helps us ‘be’ rather than ‘do’. It is hence useful for those moments when you want to calm and clear the mind
NUMBER 27 is about believing in yourself and listening to your intuition. It is self-affirming and fortifying